The LT1076CT-5#PBF is a step-down Switching Regulator which requires only a few external parts for normal operation. The power switch, all oscillators and control circuitry, all current limit components and an output monitor are included on the chip. The topology is a classic positive 'buck' configuration but several design innovations allow this device to be used as a positive-to-negative converter, a negative boost converter and as a flyback converter. The switch output is specified to swing 40V below ground, allowing the LT1076-5 to drive a tapped inductor in the buck mode with output currents up to 4A. It uses a true analog multiplier in the feedback loop. This makes the device respond nearly instantaneously to input voltage fluctuations and makes loop gain independent of input voltage. As a result, dynamic behaviour of the regulator is significantly improved over previous designs.
- Greatly improved dynamic behaviour
- 2A On-board switch
- 100kHz Switching frequency
- 2% Output voltage tolerance over temperature