Small electric motor magnet for direct current (DC) of powers from 1 to 5 W.
Operation by AC / DC feeders, or, batteries, dry batteries, etc.
Employees in toys, exhibitors, hobbies and where a small economic engine is needed.
Weight 42 g
Operating voltage 1'5 V 4'5 V
Without load R.P.M 3500 10200
intensity 0'09 A 0'14 A
With maximum load R.P.M 2770 8620
intensity 0.35 to 0.766 A
torque 9'5 gf-cm 23'96 gf-cm
Output power 0'27 W 3'447 W
efficiency 51'4% 61'5%
torque of torque 48'0 gf-cm 15'5 gf-cm