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4013 Flip-Flop, Complementary Output, Positive Edge, CD4013, D, 45 ns, 24 MHz, PDIP
CD4013BE is a CMOS dual D-Type flip-flop. It consists of two identical, independent data-type flip-flops. Each flip-flop has independent data, set, reset, and clock inputs and Q and (active-low) Q outputs. This device can be used for shift register applications and by connecting (active-low) Q output to the data input, for counter and toggle applications. The logic level present at the D input is transferred to the Q output during the positive-going transition of the clock pulse. Setting or resetting is independent of the clock and is accomplished by a high level on the set or rest line, respectively. Suitable for power delivery, grid infrastructure, medical, healthcare, and fitness, body electronics and lighting, building automation, telecom infrastructure, test and measurement applications.
Asynchronous set-reset capability
Static flip-flop operation
Medium-speed operation: 16MHz typ clock toggle rate at 10V
Standardised, symmetrical output characteristics
Maximum input current of 1µA at 18V over full package-temperature range; 100nA at 18 V and 25°C
Voltage supply range from 3V to 18V
14 pin PDIP package
Operating temperature range from -55°C to 125°C
Logic Family / Base Number: CD4013 Propagation Delay: 45ns IC Package: PDIP Trigger Type: Positive Edge Minimum Supply Voltage: 3V Logic IC Family: CD Flip-Flop Type: D Frequency: 24MHz Logic IC Package: PDIP Number of Pins: 14Pins Circuit Output Type: Push-Pull Maximum Supply Voltage: 18V Logic IC Base Number: 4013 Maximum Operating Temperature: 125°C Substance of Extremely Concern (SVHC): No SVHC (June 27, 2018)